Savez za Željeznicu

Project Rumobil

RUral MOBILity – rural mobility in European regions affected by demographic changes
Leading partner: Ministry of regional development and transport of Saxony-Anhalt region
Duration of the project: 1st of June 2016 until 31st of May 2019
Financing: Project is co-financed from the EU program “Interreg Central Europe”

About the project

Goals of the project:

Project RUMOBIL should give the answers on the questions how to establish quality and more sustainable railway and other public transport in rural regions of the middle Europe. Main goal of the project is to create the guidelines that will provide establishment and control of quality and financial sustainable public transport in rural regions. Croatian partners have a big expectation from the project because the establishment of the public transport in rural regions is huge challenge for railway operators and all other subjects that are part of the public transport. That is challenge also for the many European regions what leads to a decrease or complete repeal of the public transport service in some area that are sparsely populated areas and where the population is located in smaller and dispersed settlements. However, the goal of the European union and the partners in that project is to find the way how to include that areas in the public transport system, what will allow the mobility of the population in that areas and their higher inclusion in society. Also, the project wants to encourage younger population to stay in rural area because they are key for increasing active agriculture activities what is very important for the whole society. Project include the list of experimental and research activities in the framework of which will be collected and analyzed examples of the good practice from the areas where effective railway and bus transport in rural areas around the Europe already exist.


Sample activities will include the application of the knowledge that will be collected and which will enable improvement of the services in the railway and bus transport through better timetable, better network information systems for passengers, better design of the stations and stops, promotion campaigns etc. In Croatia, the HŽ Passenger transport and HŽ Infrastructure will carry out the sample activities directed to the better timetable in Karlovac county, on the railway line Karlovac – Ozalj – Metlika (border). The goal is to make timetable better providing better service for the needs of the local population and how the better connection between local trains and trains on the railway line Zagreb – Rijeka can be established. Except that activities the project will create the guidelines for improvement of local transport strategy of Karlovac county. Through the project the Pro rail alliance will lead the communication work package and he will prepare and coordinate all communication and promotional activities.


Results of the project RUMOBIL will be covered in the one strategy for improvement of the rural mobility in the sparsely populated areas. Results should be the support for the transnational cooperation between local self-governments and their transport entities. Working together on the project RUMOBIL partners will create the platform for the exchange of existing experiences increasing the knowledge between the partners through implementation of the pilot-projects. Results could revise the transport policies in the individual region offering better understanding of population mobility needs.

Through the visits of specific locations, presenting the good practice examples and implementing the pilot-projects many innovative solutions for improvement of the transport in the sparsely populated rural areas will be tested. That will make possible the better integration through the primary, secondary and tertiary nodes on national and European passenger transport network. From the results, the knowledge of the partners and others will be combined. New ideas may be available through the transnational competitions on the social networks.

On the end, the recommendations and findings of the pilot-projects will be presented to the political bodies and the local government that makes decisions about the development of the transport in specific regions. Raising awareness of the relevant institutions about the problems of rural mobility of sparsely populated regions it is expected that political support for the decisions about improvement of the traffic in specific European regions will be significant.

Partners on the project


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